Product Catalog


Six volt alkaline battery for use in PLDT-300 little dog remote trainer receiver and PIRF-300 indoor radio fence.


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This battery is used for Radio Fence Ultra Light receiver Ace No. 8008070.


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his battery is used for the following receivers: Ultralight Receiver - PUL-250, Deluxe Ultralight Receiver - PUL-275, Ultralight Sonic Bark Control Collar - USB-150, Deluxe Bark Control Collar - DBC-100 and Bark Control Collar - BC-103.


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A wireless containment system to contain your dog, no wire to bury, rechargeable collar eliminates need to buy batteries resulting in big savings over the life of the product. Range is 50% larger than our current wireless system.


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Super stubborn dog receiver can be purchased as a replacement collar or if you would need an additional collar for another pet.


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Wireless: Just plug and play, sets up in minutes. Portable: Can be easily taken to a new home, or while traveling in an RV. Safe and secure: Provides a safe zone for your pet that cannot be run-through, dug-under or jumped over. No installation, no burying wire, no stakes. Operates off of convenient camera batteries. Many built-in safety features. Set-up and training video included.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.


Covers up to 10 acres with additional wire and flags. Receiver designed for stubborn or hard to train pets. Five progressive levels of correction. Low battery indicator flashes when battery gets low. Tone plus vibration only mode for training. Operating and Training Guide. Step-by-Step Installation and Training DVD.


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